Tayo the little bus Wiki

Kinder's Field Trip is the 20th episode in Season 4 of Tayo the Little Bus. In overall, it is the 98th episode.

Plot Summary[]

Kinder is shocked to learn that he's not on the students favorite list because he's new at school. When he hears a field trip is being schedule he prepares for the day and takes the students to places including the mountain, unfortunately he gets a flat tire on the way down from the mountain.



This episode article is in need of a synopsis. A synopsis is intended to be a very detailed description of what occurs in the episode.


Full Episode[]


Tayo S4 EP25 l Kinder's Field Trip l Tayo Episode Club

Tayo the Little Bus episode list
A Day in the Life of Tayo | Tayo Gets Lost | Tayo's First Drive | Good Friends | Afraid of the Dark | Thanks, Cito! | Let's All Get Along | I Want New Tires | Our New Friend, Gani | Hana and Gani | I Want to Go on a Picnic! | Let's Be Friends | Nuri is a Superstar | Rogi's Hiccups | Hana's Day Out | The Best Heavy Equipment | Joey, the Magician | Frank and Alice are Awesome! | Lani's Misunderstanding | Make up, Frank and Alice | Tayo's Space Adventure | Speeding is Dangerous | Lani's Day Off | My Job's the Hardest | Gani is Sick | Tayo is the Best
Tayo and Bong Bong | The Perfect Duo, Rookie and Pat | Gani the Teacher! | I'll help you, Big | Please Pick Me | A New Playground! | Nana Visits the City | Nuri's Worst Day | The Treasure is Mine! | Rogi the Detective! | Rogi's Special Guest | The Leader of the Playground! | Cito's Secret | Lani the Princess | Tayo the Grown-Up | Tiny Tayo | Tayo's Space Adventure Part 1 | Tayo's Space Adventure Part 2 | It's Hard to Behave | Gani's Present | Air, the Brave Helicopter | Prank Call Madness | A Frightful Night | Nana's Invitation | Tayo's First Snow Day | Hana's Special Day
The New Friend, Heart | We Are A Family | Rogi the Sweeper | I Know It All | A School Day | Cheer Up Frank | A Weekend With Citu | Tayo's Promise | Gani The Super Star | Toto And Bongbong | Laugh, Pat | We Are The Best With Each Other | Cooku & Champ's Trip To The City | I Can't Sleep | I Want To Be Your Friend | City Heroes, Tayo & Duri | We Are The Heavy-Duty Circus | The Best Mechanic | I Want A Puppy | Ask Met Anything | Poco's Flower | Tayo's Christmas | Tayo's Earth Defense Plan 1 | Tayo's Earth Defense Plan 2 | Somebody Help Us | The Little Buses Sports Day
Nice To Meet You, Peanut | You Are Special | Please Believe Me | The New Emergency Center | Who Is The Real Tayo? | Chris Wants Recognition | Rogi's Junk Treasure | Tayo Becomes a Police Officer | Trammy's First Day At Work | Who Is Cooler? | Mountain Ghost Incident | Trammy's Secret | Peanut's Misunderstanding | We Love Fairy Tales | Asura the Little Wizard | The Best Detective | Give Me Courage | Tayo Goes To The Countryside | We Are All Friends | Kinder's Field Trip | Citu's Secret Playground | Thank You, Ms. Teach! | A Day With Booba | A Present For Hana | Duri's Homework | The Little Buses' Play
Emergency Dispatch! Tayo And Gani | Rogi's Extraordinary Challenge | The Cello's Owner | A Fantastic Pair | Tayo And Titipo's Race | New Rescuer, Jay | Tayo's Bird Friend | Kinder's Visit to the Farm | The Secret Playground | Surprise Gift for Duri | You Can Do It Tony | Heart's Secret | Joy's Magic Show | Thanks, Gani | The Little Buses Go To America 1 | The Little Buses Go To America 2 | Rogi and the Lucky Genie | Lolly, The New City Tour Bus | Bubba's Vacation | The Little Buses Go Camping | Heart Has Grown Bigger | Trammy's Wish | Lani's Present | Jay And Iracha | The Little Dinosaur Friend 1 | The Little Dinosaur Friend 2
You're Cool Just as You Are | A Secret That Can't Be Shared | The Playground Is Gone | Everyone's New Playground | Rubby Becomes a Sprinkler Truck | I Need More Views | The Night Time Ruckus | Heart, the Magician's Assistant | My Friend Cargo | Happy Trammy | The Green Light Ruckus | New Friends at the Airport | Let's Go! The Heavy Machinery Rangers | Please Take Care of the Cat | Alone In the Garage | An Amazing Picnic | Keep going, Iracha | The Spooky Amusement Park | There's No Stopping Shine | Long and Bongbong's Outing | Guardian X's New Fan | A Fun Day | Don't Go Hana | We Like Alice | Carry Knows Everything | A Festival For Everyone
To be announced.
NOTE: The following list of episodes are Season 7 episodes that still have undiscovered premiere dates.

Gani, Let’s Play Together! | Airport Monster! | The Awesome Rescue Team 1 | The Awesome Rescue Team 2 | Magic Animal Mayhem | Time, Stop! | Preview of Pipo Pipo Crisis | Twisted Luck | Painting on the Sky | Woolly's Hide and Seek | One New Assistant?

The Little Bus Is Leaving | The Brave Cars | Pitter Patter, Splish Splash | The Strong Heavy Vehicles | Clitter Clatter The Skilled Mechanic | They Look A Lot Alike | Dreaming In The Clouds | The Delightful Countryside Trip | So Fresh and So Clean | I Deliver Happiness | Flying up in the sky | Adventures in Space | A Bright and Sunny Morning
Thank You So Much | Let's Go On A Fun Trip | Boom Chaka Boom | Hello, Nice To Meet You | Wouldn't It Be Great | It's Yummy Lunch Time | Let's Make A Choo-Choo Train | Neatly Neatly, Stack Stack | We're Off To School! | Clang Clang Bang Bang Let's Build | A Winter Friend | A Safari Adventure | I'm So Happy For You
2-Part Episodes
Tayo's Space Adventure | Tayo's Earth Defense Plan | The Little Buses Go To America | The Little Dinosaur Friend | The Magic Tournament
NOTE: The following list of episodes are 2-part episodes that still have undiscovered premiere dates.

The Awesome Rescue Team

The Tayo Movie Mission: Ace | Tayo's Toy Adventure | Tayo's Dino Kingdom Adventure | Tayo and Little Wizards
The Adventure Begins | Luna the Spunky Little Witch | Tayo and Luna's First Magic Class | Tayo's Fear of Flying | The Magic Tournament Part 1 | The Magic Tournament Part 2 | The Little Buses Reunite | Trouble in the World of Magic | Karly and D.O.'s Past | The Final Showdown